Terms and Conditions for applying for shares
Your application
You cannot withdraw your application for shares after we receive your application form.
The Directors do not have to accept your application for shares. They may decide not to issue shares to you or may allocate you fewer shares than you applied for. They do not have to give any reason for their decision.
Your application will be considered for approval at the first convenient Directors meeting after the closing date for the offer, and therefore you should not expect an immediate response.
Your payment
The Directors will acknowledge receipt of your cheque /BACS payment and application within 14 days. They may cash your cheque as soon as it is received. Esk Energy will hold your money on trust for you until the Directors consider your application.
If the Directors decide not to issue you shares, your money will be returned within 28 days of a Board of Directors meeting. If they decide to issue fewer shares to you than you applied for, they will return the balance to you (within twenty eight days of that Board of Directors meeting).
The money will belong to Esk Energy as soon as Esk Energy issues shares to you (to the extent that they take it as payment for shares).
Esk Energy will not pay you interest on any money it returns to you.
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